Sometimes you want to restrict or monitor the activities of a new user.

Probationary User Class

Sometimes you want to restrict or monitor the activities of a new user. You can do just that with the 'New User' class, which is one of the core classes. To activate it, set the New user probationary period on the user admin options page.

A new core plugin has been added to the 0.8 development tree: the tagwords plugin, which you can see in action right here!

Hooking up with the Tag Words plugin

A new core plugin has been added to the 0.8 development tree: the tagwords plugin, which you can see in action right here! Just look on the right side and you'll the tagwords menu (which leads you to the full tagwords page as well).

During the process of improving e107 we wanted to create a way to hook into existing pages.

The TriggerHook event

During the process of improving e107 we wanted to create a way to hook into existing pages. We needed a way to let plugins hook into admin form screens, like create and edit pages of a news item for instance)...

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