Advanced Report System v1.0

Description:I think the method how to make a report for the user and the method how to moderate the reports for the staff isn't as good as it could be in e107.

I wrote this little plugin as an advanced report system. Look at the screenshot (Sorry, it's German) to form your view.
This plugin contains the following features:

- The reports stay saved in the database even after closing them.
- Closed reports can be re-opened and seen every time.
- At the moment the report is taken the plugin saves the date and the time, the reporters name and even the post in the database. So the moderator can see what the post contained in exactly the moment the report was taken. It will be very helpful if a user is changing the post after it.
- You can choose three states if you moderate a post: "Open", "Closed" (report will disappear from the open reports and you will find it by the closed ones) and "Under investigation". Two moderators doing the same job in the same time always annoy the other one. So choose "Under investigation" and your staff know what to do.
- You can comment the report all the time and set the state new to discuss the situation with your staff.
- The user can see his own reports and you can see them too. So you can decide if a user would be a good moderator.

I hope you like my plugin .
A rating would be great!

How to use

Simply unrar the archive at your computer, upload the folder "report" to your plugins-directory and install the plugin over the admin area.
After doing that you should change the link in the forum to this report-system.
Open forum/forum_shortcodes.php and search for SC_BEGIN REPORTIMG.
Replace the shortcode (from SC_BEGIN REPORTIMG to SC_END) by the following (WITHOUT THE \ !):

global $post_info, $from;
if (USER) {

return "<a href='".e_PLUGIN."report/report.php?".$post_info['thread_id']."'>".IMAGE_report."</a> ";

Released:24 Dec 2009 : 12:21PM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher


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