Advance Box v1.0

Description:This is a easy way to add advanced jQuery, CSS and JavaScripts to your website. This is formed as a box, and can do alot of stuff you have never seen before!

This allows you to make it a simple slide panel, search box, floating announchment, information, registration, dragind, resizing, show and hide, deleting.. Everything!

You dont need to edit any files, but this is only allowed on 20 pages, that can be added trought the Admin Panel. You can add other pages into e_meta.php manualy if you need to show this box on more pages. Why only show on 20 pages? Well, when i first made it to e_meta, it was also shown on the Admin Panel! Woot!

Well, this is very flexible, to be fully controled from Admin Panel, even CSS codes can be added and changed from the Preferences page!

20 pages, were give to the users. And CSS and JS to the page, but only 1 box, to rule them all. In the shadow bind them, and drag them all over the screen to its all messed up!
Released:03 Jan 2010 : 07:07AM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher


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